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Observer Wiki

DIS-6 is a drug in the world of Observer.


Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
~ Lewis Carroll, "Through the Looking-Glass"

Contemporary mind-altering agents come in two basic forms - chemical substances and digital software. The most well-known of the former is DIS-6, a drug based on an experimental pharmaceutical that was meant to diminish the effects of using the DR-3AT neural interrogation implant. This fact alone makes the drug highly illegal, as its use and distribution is a direct breach of Chiron Inc. patents.

If ingested on a regular basis, the substance enhances the user's autosuggestion mechanism to the point where it becomes a part of the perceived reality. Simply put, it is the ultimate wish-fulfillment drug. It makes reality conform to the idealized variant created in the user's mind - loved ones who have been lost can be brought back to life, crippling afflictions can seem like minor nuisances. The user believes what they want to believe and will aggressively defend their version of reality. At times, these desperate attempts at denial can even result in violence. Furthermore, successfully breaking the illusion can result in a plethora of mental disorders, ranging from paranoia to severe depression. In some extreme cases, the patients became catatonic.
